Give Some Summer Lovin’
I guess the adage “time flies when you’re having fun” is really true, as Summer always seem to speed by so quickly. Just one month left before it’s back-to-school for the kids and back-to-the-grind for us. Hopefully, you are able capture quality time with a family vacation, but this time of year also presents the […]
3 Steps to Making Great Business Connections
Successful networking doesn’t require a certain personality, but it does take a few key skills. This article provides a few tips to help maximize time at your next networking function.
Your Happy Staff
Ever wonder where all your time goes? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average work day accounts for nearly 41% of our day (sleeping claims another chunk at 32%). As leaders, we probably dedicate even more time to our companies. This statistic underscores the importance of the adage “love what you do.” […]
What is your mission statement?
This week, I’d like to take a moment and go back to our roots. Miami Beach has certainly undergone a series of transformations since the Chamber’s humble, yet enthusiast beginnings in 1921. But one thing that has remained constant over the past 90 years is our mission. The Chamber statement is simple: To promote the […]
Miami Beach Chamber 90th Gala & Silent Auction
Dear Friends, Welcome to our 90th Dinner Gala and Silent Auction. 2012 is a historic year for the Chamber as we celebrate the many successes of our leadership, business partners, community, and most importantly, you as our devoted members. All your hard work has proven that indeed high tides raise all boats, and Miami Beach […]
Miami Beach Education Foundation: Nominees 2012
In business, community and personal relations, education is the binding element that allows for growth in each these sectors of life. What’s so neat about education is that it’s a never-ending process, no matter how much knowledge you obtain. Even more important are the relationships you develop with your teachers along the way. It’s more […]
Chamber Team working their magic for the City of Miami Beach
And they say New York City never sleeps… We’ve touted a lot of ongoing successes, yet things continue to bustle here at the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. We have our annual gala around the corner and dozens of events are on the books. Despite Miami’s nickname, all these great happenings aren’t getting done via […]
Spring time is here, that means cleaning is near
Spring is officially underway. But with those May flowers comes the dreaded Spring cleaning. Yes, it’s that time to once again get our homes back in order. Everyone knows I’m certainly a fan of a cleanliness, but I’m thinking that even our companies could benefit from a little metaphorical Spring tidying as well. Here are […]
Real Money
As a father, I have high hopes for my two daughters and the contributions they will make in the business and local community one day as adults. Everyday, I become more amazed with how quickly the younger generations grasp new knowledge and apply it to their everyday lives. Yet during this journey, it’s so important […]
The Gift of Giving
Time to finalize your wish lists – the holidays are here. I always love this time of year, as it reminds me of all I have to be thankful for. But why reserve gratitude for the month of December? Wouldn’t it be great if everyone maintained the warm-and-fuzzy holiday spirit year-long? Spirit is the backbone […]