Field (trip) of Dreams

Image of street in New York City with 2 taxi cabs waiting for a light to change. Background shows buildings, including a McDonald's sign visible in the distance.

Company “field trips” can enhance your business and can be applied to ANY industry.

It Gets Better

The key to continued improvement. Ever feel like you’ve plateaued? Anyone whose taken on an exercise regimen most certainly has experienced that frustration at one point or another. It’s inevitable in almost anything we do, and business is no exception. The more we do something, the more adept we become. Sounds great, but here’s the […]

Kick Butt in Business

Hey, I never condone violence, but there is something to be said about the term metaphorically. When it comes to entrepreneurship, one needs to be bigger and better. That doesn’t mean you puff your chest out or one-up everyone in conversation… there are quieter ways to show your value. It’s actually quite simple. If there […]

What’s More Positive than a Smile?

When I started Sudsies more than two decades ago, I thought really hard about what type of organization it should be. If my team and I were going to immerse ourselves in the business, it might as well be an environment that we enjoy coming into everyday. Furthermore, in an industry filled with negative connotations, […]

Letter from Jason Loeb: Sudsies’ Community Commitment

Community Committed

Raised in Miami Beach, I have great affection for this city. It is here where I have my childhood memories, where I met my wife, where our family expanded, and where we are now creating new memories for our own children. This city is also where I decided to plant my professional roots. What always […]

Will You Tell a Friend?

One of the best sources of new customers is referrals. They are pre-qualified by our existing customers to get something out of our services and are likely to already have a favorable view. It’s also the highest testament to how we are currently running our business. If we’re doing a good job, people tend to […]

Give Some Summer Lovin’

I guess the adage “time flies when you’re having fun” is really true, as Summer always seem to speed by so quickly. Just one month left before it’s back-to-school for the kids and back-to-the-grind for us. Hopefully, you are able capture quality time with a family vacation, but this time of year also presents the […]

3 Steps to Making Great Business Connections

Successful networking doesn’t require a certain personality, but it does take a few key skills. This article provides a few tips to help maximize time at your next networking function.

Your Happy Staff

Ever wonder where all your time goes? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average work day accounts for nearly 41% of our day (sleeping claims another chunk at 32%). As leaders, we probably dedicate even more time to our companies. This statistic underscores the importance of the adage “love what you do.” […]

What is your mission statement?

This week, I’d like to take a moment and go back to our roots. Miami Beach has certainly undergone a series of transformations since the Chamber’s humble, yet enthusiast beginnings in 1921. But one thing that has remained constant over the past 90 years is our mission. The Chamber statement is simple: To promote the […]