Positive Personalities attract and Joy engulfs all.
Don’t be afraid to stand out from the crowd. To reach for more and to aim at making an impact in the lives of others. Be in a “Connective State of Mind” wherever you go and always be primed to socialize. I love spreading joy to those around me, with a smile, because making an […]
Levity, humor, empathy, and relatability in communication.
How these 4 traits can diffuse situations and strengthen relations. What is business if not human interaction? Just observe people walking to different businesses and vendors. No matter the product or the service, it is all human interaction at the core. At the end of each day, it is relationships that we experience and feel […]
Staying ahead of the curve by being connected to the industry leaders and history found in your business
Staying ahead of the curve in business, is often not only how a business survives but how it continues to grow and thrive. Jason Loeb (founder of Sudsies Dry-Cleaners) meets with industry leaders across state lines to discuss their roots and new developments within their shared industry of dry-cleaning. A friendly round table of sorts, […]
Designating Authority to employees that are willing to take on more.
How an employee reacts when they’re in the hot seat can reveal a lot about their potential for leadership, as well as their frame of mind. Are excuses for performance being made? Are fingers being pointed towards other employees with blame? Do they step up to the plate, with ownership, and exceed expectations? Performance reviews […]
Part 1: Jason Loeb, the Entrepreneur, and his propensity for Community and Empathetic Action as a Business Strategy
Community and Empathetic Action as a Philosophy for Living As an Intrapreneur studying to become an entrepreneur, I was a bit nervous meeting Jason Loeb. His reputation for building effective entrepreneurial organizations had already preceded him. In the South Florida business community Jason Loeb is something of a legend, having forged several successful public-facing companies. […]
Personify Your Business Through You
In my career as a small businessman, one of the things I’m most proud of is the brand Sudsies and Rugsies have come to represent. While clean clothes and carpets are valued, at the end of the day, our customers identify most with our can-do attitude and friendly smiles.
Looking into the heart of what makes a business great.
Field (trip) of Dreams
Company “field trips” can enhance your business and can be applied to ANY industry.
Will You Tell a Friend?
One of the best sources of new customers is referrals. They are pre-qualified by our existing customers to get something out of our services and are likely to already have a favorable view. It’s also the highest testament to how we are currently running our business. If we’re doing a good job, people tend to […]
Give Some Summer Lovin’
I guess the adage “time flies when you’re having fun” is really true, as Summer always seem to speed by so quickly. Just one month left before it’s back-to-school for the kids and back-to-the-grind for us. Hopefully, you are able capture quality time with a family vacation, but this time of year also presents the […]